Little Boy Thrown From Helicopter Crash In Timika Found Dead

JAYAPURA - The joint SAR team found a small child who was thrown from a mobile health center helicopter that crashed in Jila District, Mimika Regency, Papua. The victim was found dead.

Head of Public Relations of the Papuan Police Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal said, at 09.35 WIT, the joint SAR team departed from Mozes Kilangin Airport using an Indonesian Air Force helicopter to the location of the helicopter crash to search for victims.

"After a two-day search, the team finally managed to find the 5-year-old Kidelis victim who was dead," said Kombes Kamal in a written statement, Thursday, June 9.

The victim was immediately taken to Mimika Hospital. The PK-DAR helicopter belonging to PT. Derazona Air Service, which is used as a mobile health center for the Mimika Regency Government, fell on Wednesday, June 8.

The helicopter carried 11 passengers consisting of 3 crew members, 5 people and 3 medical teams.