MUI East Java Requests Ulamas To Cooperate In Facing PMK For Livestock Ahead Of Eid Al-Fitr

LUMAJANG - Chairman of the East Java Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Moh Hasan Mutawakkil Alallah asked the ulama and umara to strengthen cooperation in dealing with the mouth and nail disease (PMK) epidemic ahead of Eid al-Adha.

"We ask for a synergy between the MUI and the government, because with the cooperation between the ulama and the umara, surely all problems that occur in the community will be handled properly, including PMK," he said while attending a coordination event and halal bihalal MUI Lumajang Regency, reported by Between, Wednesday, June 8th.

According to him, Muslims are always willing to increase their worship and good deeds, especially before Eid al-Adha, apart from going to the Holy Land to perform the pilgrimage, Muslims try to perform sacrifices.

"Unfortunately, nowadays people are facing FMD outbreaks in livestock, such as goats and cows," said the caretaker of the Zainul Hasan Islamic Boarding School, Genggong Probolinggo.

Therefore, he continued, the cooperation of all components is needed to deal with this problem ahead of Eid al-Adha, because people want to worship sacrifices.

He asked MUI to maintain a harmonious relationship with the regent, because after all this synergy is needed for the benefit of the residents in Lumajang Regency.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Lumajang Thoriqul Haq asked the MUI of Lumajang Regency to provide assistance to the implementation of the sacrifice, because not everyone reads and understands the MUI fatwa.

"We ask for assistance in socializing how sacrificial animals are legal for sacrifice, especially when the PMK outbreak in Lumajang, so we hope that the community can help each other in dealing with the epidemic," he said.

He explained that the Lumajang Regency Government has tried to find common ground and if the community wants to sacrifice, it is advisable to buy cows at the farmer. "We hope that the community will help each other so that everything goes well," he said.