Similar But Not The Same, Download Speed And Upload Speed Is The Difference

JAKARTA - In today's digital world, internet connection is very necessary. One of the benefits of the internet is to stay connected with family or friends far away.

Internet speed is certainly a sacred thing for its users. Therefore, some of you must have tested the internet speed on your device.

Usually speed tests are carried out on three things, namely Latency, Download speed, and Upload speed. But for this time, VOI will discuss the difference between download speed and upload speed.

Upload Speed (Upload Speed)

Launching Makeuseof, upload speed refers to the speed at which your device can transfer data to the internet. Upload speed is usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps).

The main online activity that requires good upload speed is playing games. When you play online games, you have to constantly send data from your device to the internet.

However, upload speed is not the only important factor when surfing the web. Download speed also plays a key role.

Download Speed (Download Speed)

Furthermore, the download speed you normally see on a speed test refers to the speed at which your device can receive data from the internet.

Download speed can also be used for you to stream on Netflix, install software from the internet, or just to load web pages.

Some broadband providers offer very high download speeds, sometimes exceeding 900Mbps.

So, although similar, the two things are very different. To be sure, download speed and upload speed play an important role for you to explore the online world.