Preventing Pornography, Mataram City Government Will Tighten Content Control In Advertisements
NTB - Mataram City Government will tighten supervision of billboard content that has the potential to cause multiple interpretations, vulgarity, and pornography by revising regulations.
"I totally agree that the billboard regulation will be revised and will involve the communication and information service (Diskominfo) as the party responsible for the billboard content before the permit is issued," said Mataram Mayor H Mohan Roliskana in Mataram, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 7.
The statement was made in response to the plan of the local One Stop Investment and Licensing Service (DPM-PTSP) to revise the billboard regulation.
The mayor, who was previously the Head of the Advertising Division at the Mataram City Park Service, admitted that he had participated in the preparation of the regulation and that things like content had not yet been regulated.
"Therefore, I strongly agree if a revision is made to be completed and adapted to the latest development conditions as a basis for supervision," he said.
While alluding to cigarette advertisements that seem to be starting to bloom again in Mataram City so that it is considered not in line with the commitment to create Mataram towards a Child Friendly City (KLA), the mayor said, in principle, Mataram City remains enthusiastic about realizing Mataram into KLA.
This can be seen from the various programs and the city government's attention to efforts to provide space and play facilities and child-friendly education.
"Cigarette advertising is not the only indicator of assessment. There are many other indicators that we can try," he said.
The mayor further assessed that existing cigarette advertisements are part of the potential regional income which is considered something that has an impact on income from advertisement taxes.
"What is important is that we continue to strive for our spirit to realize Mataram as a KLA," he said.