Military Court Judge Heavy On Colonel Priyanto's Verdict, This Is The Reason

JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the Jakarta High Military Court II said that one of the things that aggravated the defendant Colonel Priyanto's verdict was that he had abused his capacity as a soldier. In addition, Faridah said, the panel of judges also assessed Priyanto's actions in the murder case of two teenagers Handi Saputra and Salsabila in Nagreg, West Java has damaged the image of the TNI AD, so that he was sentenced to life imprisonment and dismissed from military service. In fact, the panel of judges considered that Priyanto's actions were also contrary to the interests of the military, which should always maintain solidarity with the interests of the people and against legal norms, religious norms, and not reflect According to the panel of judges, Priyanto regretted all the actions he had done to the two victims. On consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors, the panel of judges sentenced the main sentence to life imprisonment and additional punishment was dismissed from the service. military. Faridah explained that the verdict was given because Colonel Priyanto was proven to have legally committed acts of premeditated murder, deprivation of liberty, and removing bodies with the intention of concealing death.

The panel of judges assessed that Priyanto was proven to have a premeditated murder motive for the deaths of Handi and Salsabila who were dumped in the river to eliminate traces of crime. Serayu, Banyumas, Central Java. "Thus, the panel of judges agrees that the second element of planning has been fulfilled," said the judge. 333 of the Criminal Code concerning depriving a person of independence, and Article 181 of the Criminal Code which regulates the crime of hiding a corpse or the death of a victim. Previously, on Thursday, April 21, during the trial, Jakarta High Military Prosecutor II Colonel Sus Wirdel Boy said that Priyanto was required to be sentenced to life imprisonment and additional punishment. dismissed from the TNI AD agency for the alleged murder of Handi and Salsabila said, based on the facts at trial, Priyanto's actions were proven to have fulfilled the elements of the primary indictment, namely Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code on premeditated murder, then secondary charges, namely Article 328 of the Criminal Code on kidnapping, and Article 181 of the Criminal Code which regulates the crime of hiding the corpse or the death of the victim.