Queue List For Hajj Candidates In Lebak Banten Up To 25 Years, The Number Is Already 18 Thousand Congregants

BANTEN - The waiting list for the departure of prospective pilgrims from Lebak Regency, Banten Province to the Holy Land of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is confirmed to reach 25 years or until 2047. Umrah at the Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Lebak Regency H Achmad Firdaus in Lebak, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 7. The long queue list for the prospective pilgrims is because the registration process for carrying out the fifth pillar of Islam continues to grow. days. Even though the waiting list for hajj will last for the next 25 years, the Lebak Regency Ministry of Religion will still serve the community. In 2022, Indonesia has again dispatched JCH to Mecca, although the quota is relatively small compared to before "We hope that next year the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can add more quotas for Indonesia," said Firdaus. According to him, the queue for Hajj registrants is likely to reach more than 20 thousand and departures for up to 30 years. Currently, he said, the economy The nation has recovered after the COVID-19 pandemic, so many people have registered for the CJH.

This year's JCH departures amounted to 295 people and the quota was reduced compared to the normal above 800 people. "We hope that JCH who departs this year will become a mabrur hajj and return to their homeland in a healthy and safe condition," he added. Meanwhile, Muhammad Sabar (55 A resident of Rangkasbitung said that he and his wife had registered for Hajj and did not know when they could depart for Mecca, Saudi Arabia.