Economic Conditions Gradually Normalize, Mataram NTB City Government Raises Hotel And Restaurant Tax Target

MATARAM - The Regional Finance Agency of Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara Province, will increase the hotel and restaurant tax target because it sees economic and tourism conditions starting to improve.

"Currently, our team is conducting a study on the potential changes to the hotel and restaurant tax target increase to be proposed through the 2022 APBD Change," said Head of the Mataram City Regional Finance Agency (BKD) HM Syakirin Hukmi in Mataram, NTB as quoted by Antara, Monday, June 6th.

According to him, the hotel tax target for 2022 is set at IDR 22 billion and the restaurant tax at IDR 24 billion. With the realization of hotel and restaurant tax revenues for five months, it has reached around 45 percent or exceeded the set target of 43 percent.

"For hotel taxes, the realization is around Rp. 10 billion, while the restaurant tax is almost around Rp. 11 billion," he said.

The hope, said Syakirin, is that if in the next two quarters the hotel and restaurant tax realization reaches 50 percent and conditions for economic development and tourism improve, an increase in the tax target for hotels and restaurants will be set.

"For the amount of the increase, we can't say for sure because our team is still out in the field conducting surveillance and checking," he said.

Head of the Mataram City Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo) I Nyoman Swandiasa previously said that the slowing development of COVID-19 had an impact on the community's economic activity in various sectors, especially tourism.

In general, tourism conditions have improved after the government eased several restrictions ranging from the use of masks to the obligation to show COVID-19 test results.

Moreover, Mataram City currently has zero COVID-19 cases and has PPKM level one status, so that all social activities are allowed as long as the COVID-19 health protocols are implemented.

"Especially, for the use of masks in closed spaces, public transportation, and other crowded places. Hopefully, we can get out of the COVID-19 pandemic soon," he said.