There Are 17 Cattle With Symptoms Similar To FMD Spread In Three Sub-Districts Of Sumenep
JAKARTA - The Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP) of the Sumenep Regency Government, East Java, found as many as 17 cows were sick and had symptoms such as an outbreak of mouth and nail disease (FMD), namely drooling, decreased appetite and injured hooves.
According to the Head of the DKPP of the Sumenep Regency Government, Arif Firmanto in Sumenep as reported by Antara, Sunday, June 5, the 17 cows were sick and had symptoms like FMD outbreak, based on the results of animal health checks carried out by field officers.
"It is spread over three sub-districts," said Arif.
In detail, in Mandala Village, Rubaru District, there were eight cows, then in Bilapora Rebba Village, Lenteng District, five cows, and in Ketawang Karai Village, Ganding District, four sick cows with symptoms such as FMD were found.
According to Arif, currently, his party continues to monitor the development of sick cows with symptoms such as those affected by the FMD outbreak.
"The mortality rate of livestock affected by the FMD outbreak is indeed low, but we ask that field officers continue to monitor and provide medicine," he said.
Previously, DKPP officials from the Sumenep Regency Government also found as many as 28 sick cows in Saronggi District and also had symptoms such as FMD.
Meanwhile, regarding the handling of this type of disease, the Sumenep Regency Government is also working with related parties, both the Polres and the 0827 Sumenep Kodim.
These two institutions help provide education to the public about the clinical symptoms of cattle infected with FMD so that farmers can take early prevention by reporting directly to animal health officers.
Other types of activities include establishing a complaint post, handling post, monitoring post for cattle traffic blocking as well as conducting communication, information, and education (KIE) to farmers and installing banners at the livestock market.
"We also schedule a meeting with farmers or livestock traders, so that they have insight into this type of disease, and how to prevent transmission," said Head of DKPP Sumenep Regency Government Arif Firmanto.