Commission VII DPR Supports Optimization Of Subsidies Through The Operation Of One Price Fuel And OVOO

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission VII DPR Sugeng Suparwoto fully supports the optimization of subsidies by Pertamina through the operation of the One Price and One Village One Outlet (OVOO) Fuel Oil Program Distribution Agency.

Sugeng said that the program is an implementation of state protection to the people through the provision of subsidized fuel and Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG).

"We support various efforts made by Pertamina, including ensuring the sustainability of the One Price BBM Program and OVOO," said Sugeng in a written statement, Friday, June 3.

He said that the BBM 1 Price and OVOO Program was an effort by the Government and Pertamina so that subsidized fuel and LPG reached all corners of the archipelago, from Sabang to Merauke to remote areas.

With this program, people can enjoy BBM and LPG at the same price as in Java.

"That is the strategic role of the state through BUMN and the DPR to always support the best for the people," said Sugeng.

Through the One Price BBM Program and OVOO, he added, Pertamina continues to expand the infrastructure for distributing subsidized fuel and LPG to all villages.

The program will also increase the affordability of subsidized fuel and LPG and encourage rural economic growth.

Related to this, said Sugeng, Commission VII of the DPR will oversee the program.

"In accordance with its supervisory function, Commission VII will also continue to monitor the distribution of subsidized fuel and LPG on target," he said.

The DPR, continued Sugeng, is aware that the government is currently experiencing a very heavy burden, especially in the midst of geopolitical conditions that have an impact on world oil prices.

"The DPR has approved the addition of subsidies to the energy budget. Because this is an important part for the people," he said.

For your information, the One-price BBM program has been implemented since 2017 as directed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Currently, the One Price BBM Program is spread across the frontier, outermost, and disadvantaged (3T) areas in 112 regencies in Indonesia as many as 328 distribution institutions.

By 2022, the government is targeting 92 One-Price BBM points and the current development progress has successfully completed seven points spread across West Kalimantan (two points), Central Kalimantan (one point), North Sulawesi (one point) and the Maluku Islands (three points). .

In addition, as many as 65 points of One Price BBM are in the process of development and local government licensing.

Pertamina has also developed 217,687 3-kilogram LPG bases spread over 61,801 villages.

Through OVOO, Pertamina will ensure that subsidized LPG can be enjoyed by small communities in rural areas.