Exclusive Anwar Fuady Born To Be An Actor Until The End Of Life

JAKARTA - Entering the age of 75 years, Anwar Fuady is still active in acting. The pandemic did not even make the man born in Palembang, March 14, 1947, resign. He still starred in the soap opera Samudra Cinta and Nalur Hati during the pandemic.

"Alhamdulillah. Yes, thank God, after so long we have suffered from a pandemic, now it's endemic. We have to be grateful, thank God, because it's not only affecting our country, but the whole world has been affected, but we are still better off compared to other countries," said Anwar Fuady when met at the Antique Shop Brother Adik, Gandaria City, Tuesday, 31 June.

It is not an easy matter of course to deal with a pandemic in old age. Not just entertainment, any business struggles to survive. That's why Anwar tried to be patient and accept reality.

"Just be patient. Be grateful. If luck comes from anywhere, there is as long as we try honestly. Had time to play Samudra Cinta. The secret is to take care of your health," he said.

There are several things he does to maintain health. "First I don't smoke, the second I don't drink. Never. Beer, whiskey, wine, never. Alcohol never. Then I never drink coffee. My best drink and most of it is water. Yes, once tea," he said.

Diligent exercise every day is also the key to being healthy. Every morning, Anwar exercised for one hour around the complex for one hour. In addition, sleep fast and avoid staying up late.

"If it's not too important, don't stay up late. There's an English proverb that says early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Going to bed early and waking up means that healthy people are rich and wise," he explained.

Losing a wife and children during a pandemic is not an easy thing to deal with. However, Anwar tries to focus on what he has to deal with. healthy and

"I am very grateful that it is the grace of God, yes I was given good health. Thank God, during the pandemic, I didn't get COVID-19, then thank God, I was fresh, there was no disease," he said.

Anwar Fuady (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Positive energy, positive actions, positive thinking, positive feelings are the keys to Anwar's happy life. He admitted that he never thought about the negatives of other people because everyone has negatives, including himself.

"We just think about the positive things. So it makes my health better. If the thoughts are negative, prejudiced, prejudiced, etc., it will hurt us. never not totally, what is crying, I have never used rohto. I did it right away," he said.

Not wanting to retire, Anwar Fuady wants to remain active in acting until the end of his life. His love for acting has been there since childhood. He sure was born to be an actor.

"When it comes to acting, I am an actor, maybe born to be an actor, maybe I was born to be an actor not to be someone else, and when it comes to the quality of my acting, I think it's the best," he explained.

Age was not an obstacle for him to memorize the script. Education proves Anwar's ability.

"If I memorize everything, my memorization is very light. I studied S3 for 3 and a half years at Unhas Makassar. That is, if I don't have a strong memory, I study cum laude, Doctor. So thank God I was given a good memory but a bad memory. whether it's fresh food, nutritious food, don't eat cholesterol, don't eat various kinds of food, then have a positive mindset," he said.

Anwar Fuady (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Anwar challenged the evidence by making sure he never used tear drops to act in tears. For him, every character he plays must 'live' and Anwar leaves himself when he has played a role.

"I have mastered the character that I play well. If the film is brought home from the cinema. If there is TV it is carried away with acting. The acting power is extraordinary, good acting power is natural which is not artificial, not made, not over acting ," he insisted.

Grateful and grateful for his dream as an actor to be achieved, Farida Cosim's husband promises to give his best in front of the camera. Since elementary school, Anwar has believed that acting will be his way of life.

Even though his schoolmates in Palembang laughed at him, Anwar did not give up. "I felt that when I was little I felt it. Elementary school I liked watching western films, Indonesian films, Malaysian films, yes, in the past they were called Malaya films. I remember wanting to be an actor, I even told my friends when I was in 6th grade. Until I was in junior high school, I would become an actor. Next time, I would become an actor. I was laughed at. I was considered crazy by my friends because I lived in a village in Palembang, "he recalled.

Dare to pursue his dream, Anwar was desperate to go to Jakarta in 1966 without any relatives to go to. He wants to prove that actors are his way of life.

"I don't have a house in Jakarta, I don't have any relatives in Jakarta. How do I want to play a movie. But with my strong determination, I finished high school at the age of 18, I migrated to Jakarta with the intention of becoming an actor. At that time I entered school acting. It used to be famous, what I wanted to do was AKMI," he recalled.

Once in Jakarta, Anwar had to face disappointment because the acting school he was going to had closed two years earlier. However, after the screen grew, Anwar did not back down.

"There is another acting school, the name is ATF (Academy of Film Theater). I joined ATF together with Parto Tegal, the late Danu Umbara's father, Anggy. I really wanted to be an actor from the start," he explained.

The Instant One Is Hard To Survive

Anwar Fuady (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

56 years of career as an actor, Anwar Fuady has gone through various changes in the times. From the big screen, the glass screen, to the cellphone screen, all mediums are passed. Likewise the camera used, from film rolls to digital, Anwar Fuady still acts.

Consistency and loyalty to a profession like this is now rare. In fact, the current trend is that many are only willing to become actors because of popularity.

"It's very easy to be an actor nowadays. But how long can they last? Some can last 2 years, some a year, some six months because it's easy come easy go. Because it's too soon. They're not ready to be actors. at a young age they become great actors. Not necessarily," he said.

Talent and willingness to learn is needed to stay afloat. "His ability. Does he have talent? If you don't have talent, you study for so many years, you will not study anything, you will not become an actor. Even though it requires talent. Talent is a gift from God. Not everyone is given talent to become an actor. If not, everyone is I've become an actor," he said.

Do not deny that popularity can be an entry point for acting. However, if you want to survive, quality is key.

"Do what you're doing, but if it is an actor from the beginning, it will remain. Not a star. If a star is only how many years or in a period of time, but an actor for all time," he explained.

"We see that big actors like Marlon Brando, Sean Connory, Anthony Hopkins, Al Pacino are actors. They will survive. New players also cannot shake him. His acting strength is extraordinary," continued Anwar Fuady.

Anwar Fuady (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The father of five children admitted that he was worried about the current phenomenon, which is all instant. The quality of actors will affect the quality of Indonesian cinema.

"Yes, I'm worried, quality actors can be counted. Who can count big actors because of what? Instant. Easy come easy go. Come because you're handsome, have been a coverboy covergirl, play a movie, it's not memorable," he explained.

Beauty and good looks, according to him, can not be a determinant of the success of the actor. "Because you are beautiful because you are handsome. You can get old. Later, someone who is younger, more handsome, cooler, prettier, goes to the sea. So you must have the ability to become an actor. If you don't have the ability, don't being an actor. It's not easy being an actor," he said.

There are people who force themselves to be actors, he continued, playing films as extras but until they die there is no progress. "Until death there is no progress. Not famous. Today's term celebrity scooters are less well known. Yes, it's useless there is ability, people will see people's abilities, people are valuable because of their abilities," he said.

For the younger generation of actors, Anwar hopes to be responsible for his profession. "Discipline. Learn more about acting, watch a lot of quality films, especially American films. Deepen your knowledge. Read a lot of books. Don't wander. Enter all kinds of bars. By reading books, you become intelligent. Intelligent people can be seen in their eyes. If the actor is stupid , stupid, it can be seen from his eyes. He can't be a smart character, he must have stupid eyes, "he hoped.

"So you have to have a lot of knowledge. Knowledge is very important. Science makes life easy. Art makes life beautiful. Faith makes life purposeful. Science must have, art must have, faith must have," he continued.

Anwar Fuady (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

He has repeatedly emphasized that it is not easy to become an actor, according to Anwar Fuady, the ability to play other people's roles is not easy. "In my life, I'm good, but I play the antagonist. What if I don't have the ability, it's funny. If I play the antagonist, people will be angry because I play it completely because I muster my soul with knowledge. With nature, I can't. science. How to make a good voice, all kinds of expressions," he explained.

56 years without being absent until now, Anwar promised never to leave the world of acting. "My profession as an actor will remain. If people see that I am playing politics, I just play around. Just for fun. I will be an actor until I die," he said.

Switching from film to soap operas. From weekly to catch-up, Anwar never complained. He's even excited when it comes to filming every day.

"Once a week, soap operas were broadcast, during the Tersanjung era. Now it's stripping, I'm more happy. If once a week, the honorarium is only once. If I strip every day, I get money every day. My salary is higher than the minister's salary," he joked.

All roles, he continued, had been carried out. However, there are two memorable roles for him.

"So I'm already a sissy. Why do I have to be a homosexual. The most memorable role depends on the story. What I remember when I was still Multivision was my promise. I became the character of Uncle Jos. All mothers hate me. Everyone hates me. I also hate it. My wife feels good seeing me. Yes, that's what I promised. I am with Paramitha Rusady, Uli Artha, and Lulu Tobing," he recalled.

Often acts as an antagonist, Anwar Fuady is used to getting rough treatment from fans. He was not angry, on the contrary, he was proud because his role made the audience excited, meaning that his acting was successful.

"Once I was in Malaysia, at Petronas with friends who were not artists but businessmen. I was about to go up and suddenly I was hit, I was sick. My friends have told me to apologize. He was told by his wife, his wife was pregnant. His wife hated it. The day you met Anwar Fuady, just beat yourself up if you don't get beat "he saw me," he recalled.

"I'm sorry. It means I'm successful. If people hate me as an antagonist, it means I'm successful. If I'm an antagonist, people don't hate it means stupid. In this world there is no place for stupid people. If I play an antagonist, people will definitely hate it," he explained.

Labeling yourself as a palugara actor, do you want me to be there, Anwar Fuady never refuses any role that is offered to him except for horror stories.

"Ghost films? Ah, I don't like it. Lying to the people. Demonic djinn. How do you want to touch humans? Fool people in the community. Because people are fascinated even though it's nonsense. It's a lie. Lying to the people. I don't like horror films. I don't like horror films and sex films. like it," he said.

There is one role that Anwar Fuady still dreams of to this day. He hopes to become a mafia one day.

"I'm best suited to be a mafia character. Like Marlon Brando in the movie The Godfather. Maybe better than Marlon Brando. Most suitable for mafia. he concluded.