Not Wanting Mouth-Foot Disease To Spread Widely, Tangerang Regency Government Sprays Disinfectant In Cowsheds In Ranca Iyuh Village

TANGERANG - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Tangerang, Banten Province, carried out sterilization by spraying disinfectant into cattle pens affected by mouth and nail disease (PMK) at the Korelet Village Livestock Complex, Ranca Iyuh Village.

Tangerang Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar said the sterilization of the location of the animal farm was an effort to monitor and prevent the spread of PMK, as well as to educate farmers in the area.

"With the discovery of the PMK case, we are currently spraying all points of animal farms in Tangerang Regency. So, later there will be a team at each of the farms," he said at the disinfectant spraying location, Tangerang, Antara, Thursday, June 2.

Zaki admitted that his party had identified a number of points on the farm where 35 cows were suspected of having FMD spread across six sub-districts in the region.

Because of this incident, the Tangerang Regency's rapid response task force for disease prevention and control immediately carried out intensive handling and treatment of these livestock.

"So, of the 35 cows that are suspected, five have tested positive for PMK, but now it has been handled and the condition has improved," he said.

He explained that the oral and nail diseases found in farm animals can be controlled easily, but the transmission rate is very fast, so animal owners and breeders are advised to keep the cage clean.

"That way the spread of PMK can be controlled. So, the animal for the sacrifice can be considered halal and good," he said.

He added that in an effort to anticipate the FMD outbreak spreading widely, the Tangerang Regency Government would tighten supervision on animal shipments from outside the region.

"We have eight points blocking the flow of traffic for animal delivery vehicles from outside the area. We also ask residents or livestock owners to report if they find animals with symptoms of FMD," he said.