Anjasmara Talks On Instagram But Doesn't Report, Police Have A Difficulty Revealing The Begal Trial Case

JAKARTA - The police encountered problems in disclosing the incident of attempted robbery experienced by actor Anjasmara Prasetya. The reason is that the police have not received an official report from Anjasmara.

"The problem in question is that there is no report to the police or the police," said Setiabudi Police Chief AKBP I Made Bayu Sutha Sartana to VOI, Wednesday, October 21.

According to Sutha, the absence of an official report made it difficult for the police to obtain a complete chronology of the alleged attempted robbery. Even though Anjasmara's statement is important for disclosure efforts.

Information from Anjasmara, continued Sutha, was only obtained based on videos that were viral on social media.

"So we can find out the exact incident or the actual TKP (scene of the case)," he said.

As for the matter of investigation, Sutha said that his party was still investigating the CCTV footage installed around Atmajaya University. But no clues have been found that could help catch or find out the identity of the perpetrator.

"It is still under investigation and we are still opening the CCTV for further investigation," he said.

Attempts to intervene against Anjasmara were discovered after her daughter Amanda Annete uploaded a video on her Instagram account regarding the chronology of the incident.

In the video, Anjasmara said that he felt held by the perpetrator who was riding a motorcycle. Realizing that he would become a victim of crime, Anjasmara fought back by trying to hit the perpetrator.

However, the fight made him fall off the bicycle. Anjasmara's left shoulder was injured.