Central Java Police Reveal Case Of Packaged Cooking Oil Without A Circulation Permit In Banyumas, 14 Tons Of Evidence Confiscated

BANYUMAS - The team from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Central Java Police together with the Banyumas Police revealed the crime of circulating packaged cooking oil without a distribution permit.

Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said the Central Java Police continued to take action related to the misuse of the circulation of basic needs in the community. So far, the Central Java Police have uncovered cases of misuse of cooking oil in 6 locations.

"This is in line with the policy of the National Police Chief to oversee government policies in preventing the misuse of migraines in the community", said the Inspector as quoted from a written statement, Thursday, June 2.

Regarding the disclosure of the case in Banyumas, the Central Java Police Chief said that initially, the police received information on suspicions of hoarding cooking oil in Cilongok, Banyumas.

However, when the police team investigated, another violation was found, namely brand counterfeiting and the information contained in the packaging.

In a warehouse located in Cilongok, Banyumas, the police found thousands of bottles of "Lapama" cooking oil packaging. From the results of the investigation obtained, the brand does not have a distribution permit and does not include correct information regarding its products on the packaging.

The brand also provides information or statements that are not true or misleading on the label by using a marketing authorization from another company. The barcode listed on the package also turned out to be owned by another company. The brand also does not include the halal logo from the MUI.

The police then arrested 7 perpetrators and 628 cartons of evidence containing 12 bottles of Lapama brand Migor each measuring 800 ml. A total of 6 thousand liters of cooking oil were confiscated.

The investigation carried out by the police then led to the packaging for the Lapama brand Migor in CV. Alam Timur Jaya which is located in Watugede, Singosari, Malang. At that location, the police seized 895 cartons containing Lapama brand Migor with a total of more than 8.5 thousand liters.

In addition to securing evidence, the police also arrested a suspect with the initials RAN, the director of the company.

"The mode used by the suspect was to buy raw materials for migrant workers in the form of RBD CP 10 palm oil from PT Prima Sukses Sejahtera Abadi as an oil distributor in the Malang Regency area", said the Inspector.

Every month the suspect buys 7-8 tons of the non-subsidized oil for IDR 20,800,- per kilogram. Cooking oil by the suspect was sent to the suspect's warehouse at CV. Alam Timur Jaya and CV. Mondoroko Earth.

Furthermore, Migor is repackaged under the "Lapama" brand and sold to the public for IDR 235,000 per box or IDR 19,500 per bottle.

"The evidence that was secured was a total of 18,288 bottles of 800 ml Lapama brand Migor. The total was more than 14 thousand liters of cooking oil without a distribution permit that we secured, or weighing 12 tons", said Ahmad Luthfi.

The Kapolda also appealed to the public to be wiser by not looking for opportunities in the narrow related to the circulation of cooking oil.

"In general, in our area, there is no shortage and queue related to migraine. We also ordered all levels to control the price of migrants in the market so that people do not have to worry", said the Central Java Police Chief.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPOM and Disperindag Banyumas appreciated the performance of the Police in uncovering the case. With the disclosure of the case, the public is prevented from mismatching the information contained in the migraine package.

Meanwhile, Professor of the University of Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Prof. Dr. Hibnu Nugroho, appreciated the techniques and tactics of revealing the case. According to him, the disclosure of the case shows the extraordinary foresight and ingenuity of the law enforcement officers of the Central Java Police.

"The actions of the perpetrators who provide misleading information in the packaging of cooking oil that is circulated are very detrimental to the community. It is hoped that the perpetrators will get the punishment they deserve because their actions are detrimental to the lives of many people", said Prof. Dr. Hibnu Nugroho.

In this case, the perpetrators were charged with Article 8 paragraph (1) letter of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and Article 144 of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 18 of 2012 concerning Food with a maximum penalty of 5 years.