Sahroni Sindir No BUMN Sponsors Formula E: Sorry, BUMN Is Part Of The Republic Of Indonesia, Right?

JAKARTA - Head of the Jakarta Formula E Organizing Committee, Ahmad Sahroni, satirized the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) for not providing any sponsorship for the Formula E event.

In his Instagram account, Sahroni said that the committee also paid for electricity supply sourced from PLN. In fact, he said, Formula E was held not only for Jakarta, but also for carrying the name of Indonesia.

"BUMN does not provide any sponsorship. We also pay PLN for electricity in full. Sorry, BUMN is part of the Republic of Indonesia, right?" said Sahroni in the ahmadsahroni88 Instagram account," Thursday, June 2.

"We don't insist on asking for (sponsorship), but we insist on being part of Indonesia," he continued.

Some time ago, Ahmad Sahroni admitted that he hoped the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, would provide sponsorship through one of the state-owned companies.

At that time, Sahroni had met Erick Thohir directly to submit a sponsorship proposal. The proposal was submitted on 9 May.

Sahroni assessed that this state-owned company needs to participate in the financing of Formula E. This is because the electric car race is an international event broadcast in various countries.

However, on D-3 of the race, Sahroni said he was relieved that in the end there were no SOEs willing to sponsor Formula E.

"What is certain is that SOEs as of today have not provided their sponsors. Well, if they are not given, what are they going to do? They are not being forced," said Sahroni in the Ancol area, Wednesday, June 1.

Now, the Organizing Committee has finally released a list of local sponsors for the implementation of Formula E Jakarta. Of the dozens of companies, not listed state-owned enterprises (BUMN) as sponsors of the racing event on June 4 next.

Now, dozens of local sponsors have been posted on the official website of Formula E Jakarta, The sponsors are companies involved in various industries. For example, banking companies, beverages, to beauty tools.

There is one BUMN subsidiary of Pertamina involved in the Formula E event, namely PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI). However, PT KPI only cooperates in supplying green fuel (renewable diesel) for generator sets for electric vehicles (EV) for racers.