Yellow Notice Is Issued, All Interpol Member Countries Help Search For Eril, Ridwan Kamil’s Child

JAKARTA - The National Police stated that all countries that are members of Intepol will help search for Ridwan Kamil's son, Emmeril Khan Mumtadz, who was swept away by the current in the Aaree river, Switzerland. Because, the yellow notice has been officially issued.

"From the central Interpol, it is addressed to all members of the world's Interpol," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Thursday, June 2.

Based on the data received, the yellow notice was issued as of June 1st. The issuance process is after all the requirements have been met by the National Police, one of which is the complete identity of Ridwan Kamil's eldest son.

"Interpol has released Eril's Yellow Notice," said Dedi.

With the issuance of this yellow notice, it is hoped that the whereabouts of Emmeril Khan Mumtadz can be found soon. The Police will continue to take proactive steps to assist the search process.

"The National Police in collaboration with Interpol, the Swiss police and the local Indonesian Embassy continue to actively monitor developments in the field," said Dedi.

The son of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, Emmeril Khan Mumtadz or Eril, was reported missing on Thursday, May 26. He is said to have been swept away by the current while swimming in the Aare River, Bern, Switzerland.

Yellow notice is the process of requesting assistance to Interpol to search for or find missing persons.

In addition, yellow notices are used to locate minors and assist the identification process.