'PLN Anti-Use Orange Vest', President Director: We Are Proud To Be The First State-Owned Enterprise To Be Active With KPK In Preventing Corruption
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in collaboration with PT PLN (Persero) held Anti-Corruption Technical Guidance at the PLN Head Office Auditorium on Tuesday, May 31. This activity aims to provide an understanding of corruption prevention efforts in the business sector.
As a symbol of this collaboration and commitment, PLN received a Blue Vest from the KPK as a form of PLN's commitment to "Anti-Use the Orange Vest" which is usually used by the KPK against corruption perpetrators. The embedding of the blue vest was carried out by the KPK leadership, Nurul Ghufron, to PLN management.
Darmawan Prasodjo also welcomed this activity which could stimulate the business world to be clean and free from corruption.
"We are very proud to be the first BUMN to be actively involved with the KPK in preventing corruption," said Darmawan in his remarks, Tuesday, May 31.
In his view, the practice of corruption actually hinders the running of business processes in the business world, because it makes a series of processes in developing a business ineffective and inefficient.
Darmawan explained that PLN itself is trying to increase transparency in the work process, especially services to the community. For example, PLN Mobile is integrated with the Virtual Command Center (VCC) and Technical Services (Yantek Mobile). Where all public complaints can be handled quickly and transparently.
"For example, people want to install new or add power. It can be done directly in PLN Mobile. Details of costs, simulations, and even payments have been made online and transparently. So preventing illegal levies or gratuities to PLN employees," said Darmawan.
In the management, said Darmawan, the entire board of directors and management levels have reported the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN). Since 2018 until now, the LHKPN compliance rate has reached 100 percent.
PLN also conducts capacity-building programs for employees to prevent corruption in corporations. With this program, there are 30 upper management levels at PLN who have received the certification of KPK integrity builder experts.
He said there were already 6 anti-corruption counselors. And more than 10 thousand PLN employees have participated in the KPK e-learning certification. This year, the hope is that all 45 thousand PLN employees can take part in the KPK e-learning.
To ensure good corporate governance, PLN has also implemented SNI ISO 37001:2016, Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP). This implementation adheres to Good Corporate Governance (GCG) guidelines, the board manual, and the 4 No's principles (No Bribery, No Kick back, No Gift, and No Luxurious Hospitality).
Previously throughout 2021, PLN had also collaborated with the KPK to improve asset management. Darmawan detailed that of the 97,000 parcels of land assets that stood for PLN's electricity infrastructure, only 27 percent were certified in 2017. However, with the support of the KPK, it is currently recorded that 70 percent of assets are certified and will continue to increase until 2024.