Dismissed Demonstration, Access Roads Around The Palace And Monas Reopened

JAKARTA - The police have reopened a number of roads around the National Monument (Monas) and the State Palace which were previously closed due to demonstrations against the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law.

Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, said the roads were reopened after the situation and conditions were declared conducive at around 19.30 WIB.

"It's (opened). It's safe," Sambodo told VOI, Tuesday, October 20.

Currently, private vehicles can cross the roads around Monas and the State Palace. But traffic personnel are still on standby at a number of locations.

"All roads that were closed are now normal and can be passed by motorized vehicles," he said.

Previously, Metro Jaya Police Chief Nana Sudjana said the demonstrators from BEM SI and laborers had disbanded from the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta. So that conditions in Jakarta are safe under control.

"Alhamdulillah, the demonstration which started at 2 pm until almost 6 o'clock from several elements of students, laborers and a few students, Alhamdulillah it went in an orderly manner," said Inspector General Nana to reporters, Tuesday, October 20.

According to Inspector General Nana, there was a riot from the masses, mostly teenagers, while students from BEM SI disbanded. However, with persuasive efforts including that of Marine personnel, the masses finally dispersed.

"Although there was a little bit earlier, a little bit of throwing, but after we conveyed it communicatively and persuasively it went smoothly and orderly," he said.

Kapolda hopes that a conducive situation will be maintained if there are further action plans. The security coordination of the Police and the TNI was also strengthened.

"We will increase every action to run in an orderly manner and then be conducive," he said.

During the demonstration, BEM SI voiced demands that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) issue a Perppu to cancel the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. The same aspiration was voiced by the workers who moved from the Tugu Tani area.