PP Muhammadiyah Chairman Calls Pancasila Birthday A Momentum To Respect Religious Values

JAKARTA - Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Anwar Abbas views the celebration of the Birthday of Pancasila on June 1, 2022 as a momentum for all Indonesians to always respect and uphold the values of religious teachings. According to Anwar Abbas, Tuesday, May 31, respect for the values of religious teachings can be found on the determination of "Belief in the One Supreme God" as the first precept which means that the values of religious teachings that exist and are recognized in Indonesia must be able to animate and color the next four precepts. the values of religious teachings. In fact, the values of these religious teachings must be the basis for this country," he said. In addition, said Anwar, Article 29 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia also stated that Thus, according to him, the laws, regulations, and policies made by the State should not conflict with the values values of religious teachings that exist in Indonesia. "This means that there should be no laws and regulations and policies made by the State and/or Government in this country that are contrary to the values of existing religious teachings," he said. Anwar, the Government and the entire Indonesian nation must be able to absorb the values of the religious teachings to be implemented in all aspects and aspects of life, such as the social, economic, political and legal fields. Religion from public life is also not allowed. The Deputy Chairperson of the MUI assessed that regulations or policies that contradict the values of religious teachings and efforts to distance religious teachings from public life can trigger friction and clashes in society. -In the midst of society, of course, this will happen and we certainly don't want it because it will obviously be destructive In addition, said Anwar, this can also hinder and hinder the Indonesian nation from realizing the ideals of becoming a developed, just, prosperous and sovereign country and making all its people have good character or morality. high and live safely, peacefully, and happily.