KPK And PLN Cooperate To Empower The Anti-Corruption Business World

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) collaborates with PT PLN (Persero) to empower the anti-corruption business world through the cultivation of integrity values. PLN head office, Jakarta, Tuesday, May 31. Acting (Plt) Spokesperson for the KPK for Prevention Ipi Maryati Kuding in her statement in Jakarta Tuesday said the activity was one of the KPK's efforts to encourage business actors not to get involved in corrupt practices. one way is by making various programs and guidelines for preventing corruption for business actors with the aim of encouraging anti-corruption commitments in the business world. KPK also facilitates multi-sectoral collaboration involving business actors and relevant government agencies," he said. trying to understand about the crime of corruption si, the impact of corruption and can make real efforts to prevent corruption. "KPK is also building cooperation with the business world regarding the handling of complaints in an effort to eradicate corruption," said Ipi. eradication of corruption aims to break the chain of corruption involving business actors and business entities. This figure accounts for around 25 percent of the total number of corruption actors, namely 1,360 people.

The mode that is mostly used is related to bribery and giving gratuities, which reached 802 cases. Next was the procurement of goods and services as many as 263 cases and related to licensing 25 cases. "As a law enforcement agency, the KPK realizes that efforts to eradicate corruption are not enough just to take action, but must also be balanced with prevention and education efforts," said Ipi. , KPK empowers the community, especially in the BUMN and private sectors to play an active role in efforts to eradicate corruption by increasing the capability of anti-corruption integrity values. Present as resource persons were the Director of Community Participation and Development of the KPK Kumbul Kusdwijanto Sudjadi, the Anti-Corruption Director of the KPK Business Entity Aminudin, and the Expert Integrity Builder and Health Care Compliance Officer of PT Johnson & Johnson Indonesia Yulia Sari.