There Is A Demo At A Horse Statue, Three Transjakarta Services Are Stopped, 7 Routes Are Modified

JAKARTA - PT Transportation Jakarta stopped three Transjakarta Corridors today in connection with a demonstration against the Job Creation Law in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue.

Operational Director of PT Jakarta Transportation, Prasetia Budi, said that the termination of several Transjakarta service operations was carried out considering the tight crowd around the location.

"Due to the demonstration that is being held today around the Horse Statue, Monas and its surroundings. Therefore, several Transjakarta services have been temporarily suspended," Prasetia said in his statement, Tuesday, October 20.

The three most recent Transjakarta services whose operations have been temporarily suspended are Corridor 3 (Kalideres - Pasar Baru), Corridor 8 (Lebak Bulus Harmoni), and Route 8A (Harmoni - Grogol).

Apart from the three bus routes that have been suspended, Transjakarta has also modified a number of routes. Services will return to normal when conditions are conducive and can be crossed by bus fleets.

"Transjakarta is also working with the Polda Metro Jaya to ensure the safety of both customers, field officers and the continuity of Transjakarta operations today," said Prasetia.

The following are a number of Transjakarta routes that have undergone modifications:

1. Transjakarta Corridor 1

The bus stop from Blok M to Sarinah went on normally. Then, the diversion starts from Sarinah - Sarinah red light - Bank Indonesia red light go out the lane turn left - Jalan Kebon Sirih - Hotel Milenium turn left - Jalan Fachrudin turn right - Jati Baru go straight - Jalan Cideng Barat - Tarakan red light turn right - Petojo Stop - Harmoni red light turn left - Harmoni - City.

On corridor 1 in the opposite direction, the bus departs from City Stop - Harmoni - Harmoni red light turn right - go straight to Tomang - Petojo stop off lane - Tarakan red light turn left - Jalan Cideng Timur - Jalan Jati Baru turn left - Hotel Tugu Asri - lights Hotel Milenium red - Jalan Kebon Sirih - Bank Indonesia red light turn right - Sarinah Stop - Blok M.

The stops that do not serve on corridor 1 are Monas and Bank Indonesia (BI) stops.

2. Route 6A with route Ragunan - Monas via Kuningan and Route 6B with route Ragunan - Monas via Semanggi

Experienced a shortened route to Ragunan - Tosari. The stops that do not serve on corridors 6A and 6B are the HI Roundabout, Sarinah, Bank Indonesia bus stops and Monas bus stops.

2. Route 1A with PIK route - City Hall.

Experienced a shortened route to PIK - Kota. The stops that do not serve this route are the Glodok, Olimo, Mangga Besar, Sawah Besar, Harmoni, Monas, and City Hall Bus Stops.

3. Route 5C with route PGC 1 - Harmoni

Experiencing a route diversion and temporarily not passing the Juanda Bus Stop and the Pecenongan Bus Stop

4. Corridor 2 on the route Pulogadung - Harmoni

The direction of Pulogadung has been rerouted. Meanwhile, the Harmony Direction does not pass the Atrium Stop to the Pecenongan Bus Stop.

5. PGC direction 1

For the time being, it will not pass the Pasar Baru bus stop.

6. Route 8A with Grogol 2 - Juanda route

Experienced a shortened route to Grogol 2 - Harmoni.

7. Corridor 3 on the Kalideres - Pasar Baru route

Experienced the shortened route to Kalideres - Harmoni