I'm Well! 1,100 Cows In Central Lombok Heal From Mouth And Nail Disease

MATARAM - The Department of Agriculture and Livestock (Dispertanak) of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) stated that thousands of cattle affected by the oral and nail disease (FMD) outbreak in the local area had recovered after preventive efforts were made with intensive treatment.

"There are a total of 1,100 resident cattle that have recovered in 50 villages in Central Lombok," said the Head of the Central Lombok Agriculture and Livestock Service, Lalu Taufikurahman, in Praya, Antara, Monday, May 30.

The spread of PMK cases in Central Lombok continues to grow. From last week's data, it reached 1,700 heads, but so far the cattle that have been handled have reached 2035. Meanwhile, there are more than 900 cattle that are still sick or in the process of being treated.

"Initially the PMK case was in one village, now it is spread to 50 villages in 11 sub-districts. However, some have recovered after treatment," he said.

He said that until now no cattle had died from the FMD outbreak, but some of the calves and adults that died were caused by disease and trauma, not because of FMD. "There are no dead cattle caused by PMK," he said.

Previously, the Central Lombok regional government had closed all animal markets to prevent the spread of the FMD outbreak.

In addition to administering treatment by injecting vitamins and antibiotics, the agriculture and animal husbandry department has also implemented a lockdown in several cattle pens affected by the FMD outbreak.

This was done to limit the traffic flow of cattle affected by the FMD outbreak and to educate the public not to panic by slaughtering sick cattle.

"The recovery rate for the PMK outbreak is quite high, so residents don't panic, so they don't lose money," he said.