MUI: Offline Or Online Gambling, It's Haram
JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary of the MUI Fatwa Commission, KH Abdul Muiz Ali, emphasized the prohibition of gambling law. Whatever the form, whether it is done directly (offline) or online (online).
"All forms of gambling, whether done in person (offline) or online (online) are haraam," said KH Abdul Muiz Ali, quoted from the official MUI website, Monday, May 30.
This is in response to the practice of online gambling which has recently become increasingly widespread in Indonesia. With a telephone and a penny of thousands of rupiah, many people are trying to make a profit through this illegal practice.
Kiai Muiz also emphasized that the status of the prohibition of gambling is not influenced by the degree of profit obtained. The prohibition of gambling, said Kiai Muiz, is an absolute status that is clearly enshrined in the Qur'an, QS al-Maidah: 90:
Kiai Muiz explained, in this verse, Allah cooperates with gambling or qimar with khamr (al anshab and al azlam). Obviously, these are things that are forbidden.
"Money made from gambling, whether a little or a lot is still haram," explained Kiai Muiz.
According to Kiai Muiz, long before, the MUI Fatwa Commission issued a Fatwa regarding games on media/game machines managed by members of the Indonesian Family Recreation Association (ARKI) which was set on October 3, 2007 AD.
The fatwa clearly states the types and all forms of machine games that are clearly prohibited. "The rest, please open the MUI Fatwa on Online Gambling," he suggested.
Therefore, Kiai Muiz hopes that there will be high vigilance, especially for parents to control and limit the use of the telephone in a positive and useful way.
“HP can be a source of goodness if it is used for useful things. On the other hand, it will be a big disaster in the family, including early childhood," said Kiai Muiz.