A Year Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin Has Served, Politicians Highlight The Work Of Advanced Indonesian Cabinet Ministers

JAKARTA - The cabinet of Joko Widodo and Ma'ruf Amin has been running for a year. There are a number of notes for the cabinet minister.

MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo encouraged the government to improve coordination and synchronization between institutions.

One of the ministries in the spotlight to be able to coordinate and synchronize well is the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos).

This is important because the Ministry of Social Affairs is the backbone of the government in providing social assistance (bansos) for people who need it.

"Encourage all line ministries and institutions to improve coordination and synchronization between institutions," said Bamsoet as quoted from his written statement, Tuesday, October 20.

In addition, this Golkar Party politician has encouraged the governments of President Jokowi and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin to remain focused, adaptive and innovative in leading this nation amid the current COVID-19 pandemic. He reminded that the government must continue to promote public health and save the national economy.

He said that saving the social economy must be carried out in various ways and strategies that are flexible, fast, precise, and optimize the implementation of the National Economic Rescue (PEN) program.

Bambang also reminded President Jokowi to improve human resources, develop infrastructure, simplify regulations, simplify the bureaucracy through bureaucratic reform and economic transformation.

"Because these five things are Jokowi-Ma'ruf's five priority programs in their five years of leadership," he said.

Apart from Bamsoet, the spotlight on the president's aides also came from the United Development Party (PPP). According to the Secretary of the PPP DPR RI faction Achmad Baidowi, although the political consolidation has been smooth, this does not appear to be happening in the internal cabinet because he sees a number of problems including miscommunication.

"There was a problem with the internal consolidation of government when coordination between cabinets overlapped. In fact, there were several times miscommunication," said the politician who is often called by Awiek through his written statement.

Then, there were a number of things that Awiek alluded to about a year of Jokowi-Ma'ruf's leadership such as paying more attention to the economic sector in the midst of the threat of a recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in the legal sector due to challenges in enforcing the rule of law.

Regarding the performance of the Ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, President Jokowi has indeed reprimanded his subordinates several times. The first warning appeared at the Plenary Cabinet Session last June.

At that time, Jokowi scolded his minister because he felt that their performance was not optimal in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic so that they were not aware that the situation currently facing Indonesia was a crisis situation.

Furthermore, Jokowi also reprimanded his ministers because they felt that the campaign for health protocols such as using masks had not been implemented properly. He conveyed this warning during the handling of COVID-19 and the National Economic Recovery (PEN) in August.