Bareskrim Polri Hands Out Documents For 4 DNA Pro Suspects, The Rest Next Week

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has handed over three case files for the DNA Pro trading robot case to the Attorney General's Office (AGO). The file is for four suspects.

"The case files that were handed over to the suspects are RS, DA, YTS and FYT," said Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Department, Kombes Yuldi Yusman, to reporters, Friday, May 27.

The transfer of the first phase of the dossier was carried out on Wednesday, May 25. Now investigators will wait for the results of the examination of files from the research prosecutor.

While waiting, said Yuldi, his party will do the filing for the other suspects. In addition, the team is still searching for the assets of the suspects.

The plan is that the files for the other suspects, namely, RK, DT, RL, JG, SR, HAS, and MA, will be handed over next week.

"The rest Monday will send four files for the seven suspects," said Yuldi.

In the DNA Pro case, 14 people were named as suspects. Most of the suspects have been arrested and three of them are still wanted.

The three fugitives include Daniel Zii, Ferawati alias Fei, and Devinata Gunawan.

Then, in the case of the DNA Pro trading robot, 3,621 people became victims. The total loss reported reached IDR 551 billion.