Reported Layoffs Of Employees, JD.ID Management Opens Voice

JAKARTA - Termination of employment (PHK) carried out by start-up companies or startups in the country is still ongoing.

After previously being a startup in the education sector, Zenius, now layoffs are also carried out by the e-commerce platform JD.ID.

Director of General Management JD.ID, Jenie Simon said this decision was a tough step taken by the company.

However, companies must make adjustments to their business operations to survive.

"JD.ID has also taken decisions such as restructuring, which includes a reduction in the number of employees," he said in an official statement, Friday, May 27.

Jenie said that her party would also comply with the existing regulations regarding the termination of the employment relationship. Such as giving rights to affected employees.

"Comply with and comply with labor regulations in accordance with government regulations, and will treat and provide employee rights, as regulated in these regulations," he said.

In addition, Jenie said, the efforts taken by JD.ID were to review, adjust, and innovate on business and business strategies.

"Efforts to improvise and make decisions are made so that JD.ID can continue to adapt and be in line with market dynamics and industrial trends in Indonesia," he said.

Currently, Jenie continued, the company is also focusing on optimizing the employment structure.

For JD.ID, employees are a vital asset of the company and part of a big family.

"Which means that JD.ID has an obligation to maintain the welfare of its employees, as well as develop their potential to be able to provide more effective and optimal performance for the company," he said.