MUI National Conference Held In November, Will Change Ketum And Discuss A Number Of Fatwas

JAKARTA - The National Conference of the Indonesian Ulema Council is planned to be held online on 25-28 November 2020. MUI Chairperson (inactive) Ma'ruf Amin will submit an accountability report.

As reported by Antara , Ma'ruf told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, October 19, that his accountability report would later be used as a performance guide for the next term's management.

"In the National Conference we must be able to convey the results that we have been doing so far, as an offering that can be continued or relayed," said the Indonesian Vice President.

He hopes that in carrying out the wheels of the organization, members will maintain solidity, especially that MUI membership consists of many various Islamic mass organizations. MUI itself is an organization for Muslim scholars, leaders and intellectuals.

Since its inception, he said, MUI decisions have always been mutually agreed upon, including its fatwas.

MUI administrators come from various backgrounds who decide various issues by deliberation together. These agreements are MUI's features that must be maintained.

"To be honest at the MUI Fatwa Commission, since I became Chairman of the Fatwa Commission, the decision that was born was muttafaqun alaih. This means that there are no parties who then disagree, and this must be maintained," he said.

Ma'ruf said MUI from the beginning had foundations so it had to be consistent. One thing that is often apparent from the role of the MUI is the output of a religious fatwa which serves as a religious guide for Muslims in Indonesia.

The 2020 MUI National Conference will discuss a number of fatwas, in addition to scheduling the succession of the MUI leadership for a 5-year term.

Head of the Fatwa Material Team of the MUI National Conference, Asrorun Niam Sholeh, in a press release received in Jakarta, Monday morning, said that the discussion of the fatwa focused on three areas, namely socio-cultural issues, worship and sharia economy.

"The three areas also include fatwa planning on young hajj planning and haj bailout funds, supervision of corporate zakat and zakat management, endowments, general elections, including the presidential term, regional elections and dynastic politics, and communism," said Niam, who is also the Secretary. The MUI Fatwa Commission.

In addition, the discussion of the fatwa will also discuss various matters related to COVID-19, such as vaccines, prevention, signs for new life adaptations, the use of human body parts for treatment, and other related matters.

The MUI Fatwa Commission, he said, continued to hold internal meetings inviting experts until the end of October to discuss the finalized fatwa plan. That way, two weeks before the National Congress took place, the Congress participants had received the fatwa draft material and studied it for discussion at the National Conference.

The five-year agenda is behind the original plan which was planned to be held in the middle of this year due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Previously, MUI Deputy Chairperson Zainut Tauhid Saadi said that the succession of the MUI Ketum would be carried out in mid-2020 through the MUI National Conference. He said this at the end of 2019 or long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the whole world, including Indonesia.

"For the National Conference which is scheduled in 2020 there will be a change of management, a new ketum will be selected," he said.