Cak Imin Could Be A Presidential Candidate If He Joins KIB, PAN: As Long As You Win

JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) welcomes the Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar who wants to join the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) even though he is a presidential candidate.

Spokesperson and Deputy Chairperson of PAN, Viva Yoga Mauladi, admitted that he was happy and delighted if PKB could join the United Indonesia Coalition with PAN, Golkar, and PPP.

According to Viva, if PKB joins the coalition, the color and substance of the KIB platform for Indonesia's vision and future government will be better and more comprehensive.

"Secondly, it will increase political power in contesting the 2024 presidential election because it will increase the potential for votes. Because each party certainly has a militant and ideological constituent base, so that the candidate pair that will be carried by KIB has the potential to win the presidential election," Viva told reporters. , Monday, May 23.

Third, adding to the beauty of the national rainbow colors in KIB. According to Viva, the nationalist-religious power of KIB is increasingly visible and real. Fourth, the political atmosphere at KIB will be lively, fresh, and fun with the presence of Cak Imin as a humorous political figure who packs political issues in light and intellectual language.

"Therefore, if KIB is going to carry Cak Imin as a presidential candidate, then on paper it must win. If you don't win, your chest will become tight, your eyes will glow, and your blood pressure will rise," said Viva laughing.

However, Viva said, the coalition will measure the criteria and assessment variables in formulating and determining the candidate pairs. Both in terms of likeability, electability, and other important variables.

"That's why it's better if Cak Imin and PKB just join KIB first. I'm sure Golkar and PPP will feel the same as PAN, happy and happy," said Viva.

"Come on, Cak Imin, ojo kesuwen (don't take too long, ed) to join together and navigate the political ocean on the KIB ship," he added.