Bawaslu Depok Finds 15 Violations Of The COVID-19 Health Protocol

JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency in Depok, West Java, found 15 violations of the Covid-19 health protocol during the second 10-day campaign period from 6 October to 15 October 2020.

Coordinator of the Legal, Information Data, and Public Relations Division of Bawaslu Depok, Andriansyah, in Depok, Saturday, October 17, said that the violations consisted of more than 50 participants, participants did not maintain their distance, and activities at night.

"In one of the activities which violate health protocols also found small children that are included in the campaign," he told Antara.

Based on the mapping of the trend of increasing positive patients with Covid-19 in Depok, there was an increase in the number of positive patients by 306 in the period 6 October to 15 October 2020.

From the results of monitoring data on the number of violations of the Covid-19 health protocol, the task force for handling Covid-19 in Depok has not yet released data related to tracking results regarding the origin of the additional positive patient cases.

"Are those exposed are those who took part in face-to-face activities or dialogues at the campaign stage," he asked.

He said, for the alleged violation of the Covid-19 health program for the period 6 October to 15 October 2020, six cases were given written warning letters.

Regarding areas in sub-districts where there are still allegations of violations, even though Bawaslu Depok has provided a precaution in the form of an appeal, there are still violations which are followed up with the method of handling violations.

Bawaslu Depok followed up on 5 reports on the results of supervision that were findings of alleged violations, including one in the form of an alleged violation of ASN neutrality, three related to election administration, one violation of the organizers' code of ethics.

Bawaslu Depok has issued a written warning letter to activity organizers who violate health protocols, take preventive measures against activities involving children before the start of the event.

He said that Bawaslu Depok would call back through the liaison of candidate pairs to comply with the procedures for implementing campaign activities including complying with health protocols, and maximizing the campaign method of meeting in networks to minimize crowds exceeding 50 people.