Appi Accompanied By Giring Ex-Nidji Blusukan To Greet Pannampu Market Traders In Makassar

MAKASSAR - Candidate for Mayor of Makassar, Munafri Arifuddin (Appi) filled the campaign by greeting traders of Pannampu Market, Tallo, Makassar. Appi was accompanied by Plt Ketum of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Giring Ganesha Djumarjo.

Appi with Giring walked through the Pannampu market area. The two of them greeted the market traders and chatted. Appi asked about the sales conditions of the traders, including the hope of improving the market.

"How ta 'Sir, many ji selling behavior ta'?," Said Appi to the greengrocer.

"Thank God Mr. Appi, this house again declined ki initial project," said the trader.

Appi and Giring also took the time to taste a number of traditional snacks in the largest traditional market in the northern region of Makassar.

To the traders, Appi, who was paired with Rahman Bando in the Makassar Regional Head Election, delivered a market revitalization program. According to Appi, the Pannampu market needs improvement.

"This is where the circulation of money, the circulation of the people's economy. If conditions are uncomfortable, muddy, stuffy, buyers and sellers are not comfortable coming. I also saw that the parking lot is in shambles, so traditional markets like Pannampu must be revitalized," said Appi.

Meanwhile Giring 'Nidji' invited traders and buyers in the market to vote for Appi-Rahman for the second candidate pair in the Makassar Pilkada. According to Giring, Appi is a potential leader who has a big vision for the future.

"Makassar is a big city. It takes a leader who has a big vision for the future and is young at heart. That is why PSI and I are personally happy with the visionary candidate for mayor like Bung Appi," he explained.