YLKI Worries That Jiwasraya's Customers' Money Will Not Come Back

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) assesses that the formation of a Special Committee (Pansus) at the DPR regarding the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) case will not guarantee customer refunds.

"Who dares to guarantee that with the formation of a special committee, customer money will return? YLKI emphasized that the orientation of the Jiwasraya case is to return the customer's money, not to cause political chaos, instead the fate of the customer is swayed," said YLKI manager Agus Suyanto in Jakarta, Monday, January 13.

He said that his party was worried that the DPR's efforts to form a special committee would only make this case a political commodity and would not guarantee the return of customer money.

In addition, Agus continued, even if the Special Committee agreed to a takeover or bailout it was not impossible that it would turn out to be like the case of Century Bank, which has not been resolved until now.

"Reflecting on Century first, the bailout that was carried out has even been scanned again. So we are worried that this case will just evaporate," he said.

According to Agus, the DPR should have supported steps to save Jiwasraya by the government and did not drag this case into a political commodity.

The case against the insurance BUMN is now being handled by the Attorney General's Office. The AGO scheduled the examination of seven witnesses this Monday in connection with the investigation into a case of alleged corruption in the management of finance and investment funds by PT Asuransi Jiwasraya.

The seven witnesses were the Head of the Corporate Valuation Division 3 of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Goklas AR Tambunan, Head of the Corporate Valuation Division 2 BEI Vera Florida, Head of the IDX Trade Regulation and Operations Division Irvan Susandy.

In addition, Head of the IDX Transaction Inspection Unit Endra Febri Setyawan, former Director of PT OSO Investment Management Lies Lilia Jamin, Syahmirwan, and Head of Company Division 1 BEI Adi Pratomo Aryanto.

As of Thursday 9 January, there were 27 witnesses who had been questioned by the AGO regarding the Jiwasraya case. Previously, the results of the BPK audit stated that Jiwasraya Insurance's temporary losses reached IDR 6.4 trillion, which was invested in mutual fund products and stock instruments of IDR 4 trillion.