The Lawyer For The Former Danjen Kopassus Soenarko Suspected That His Client's Investigation Was Related To US

JAKARTA - The lawyer for former Danjen Kopassus Major General (ret) Soenarko, Fery Firman Nurwahyu suspected that the investigation of his client was not related to the illegal possession of firearms. His client is suspected to be investigated in connection with the Indonesian Coalition to Save Indonesia (US).

The suspicion arose because in the case of illegal gun ownership there were no new facts that could be conveyed. Moreover, evidence in the form of firearms has been destroyed.

"Yes (to US) if the question is to the pekara (firearms) there is no progress. The answer is that," said Fery to reporters, Friday, October 16.

Fery said Soenarko has a close relationship with the OUR Presidum, Gatot Nurmantyo. But regarding his client who is a member of or is affiliated with US, Fery cannot confirm.

"If that can be asked directly to him (Soenarko) after the examination," he said.

Maj. Gen. (ret.) Soenarko canceled his summons at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit today. Soenarko was originally investigated in the case of possession of illegal firearms which made him a suspect.

Soenarko canceled fulfilling the call for examination due to his health condition. Besides, he had to have a medical examination at the hospital.

Fery said his client had asked for a rearrangement of the inspection schedule. Soenarko will undergo questioning on Monday, 19 October next week.