Tembilahan Prison Prisoners In The Narcotics And Criminal Block Have HP And Sajam In The Room

JAKARTA - Officers from the Class IIA Tembilahan Prison, Indragiri Hilir Regency together with the Riau Province Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Team conducted inspections in the inmates' residential rooms. Officers found a number of prohibited items.

The inspection, which was led by the Head of the Regional Office of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Mulyadi, was conducted in the WBP's residential room in the narcotics, criminal, and women's block.

During the operation, a number of prohibited items were found which should not have been in the WBP's residential room. Noble from electrical plugs, cell phone chargers, sharp objects to cell phones.

"The results of the searches that we carried out together, whether incidental, routine or special searches, should not contain evidence like this," said Mulyadi, Thursday, May 19, quoted from Antara.

He asked all ranks of the Tembilahan Prison to make raids on the residences of WBP a routine agenda to minimize violations.

"Perform regular raids every week to minimize violations like this. Even if the evidence like the one this evening is light or normal, we must evaluate it for the future to make it even better," he said.

He requested that all evidence be immediately destroyed so that it would not be misused.

Before carrying out a sudden inspection, the Head of the Divpas and all ranks held a joint apple to give instructions and directions to all ranks to search the WBP and their residential rooms in a humane manner.

"Do a search in a humane manner, not because all of you wearing uniforms continue to act arbitrarily," he ordered.

The inspections are safe and conducive. Several pieces of evidence appeared to be seized by officers. During the inspection, the officers reminded the inmates not to violate the rules by bringing prohibited items into the prison.