1.5-Year-Old Toddler Missing Since Monday, Found Lifeless In Irrigation River

PEMALANG - After being reported missing, since Monday afternoon, May 16 afternoon, a toddler with the initials AFR (1.5) from Ambowetan Village, Ulujami, Pemalang was finally found by residents and local village officials. AFR was found in an irrigation river in Rowosari Village, Ulujami, Pemalang, Wednesday, May 18.

Pemalang Police Chief AKBP Ari Wibowo through Ulujami Police Chief AKP Teguh Hadi Santoso said the victim was found dead in an irrigated river, to be precise in Candi Hamlet.

"The victim was found by residents and village officials of Rowosari Ulujami, approximately 1 kilometer from the victim's house today, at around 05.45 WIB," explained AKBP Ari Wibowo in a written statement.

After being found, personnel immediately went to the crime scene (TKP) to evacuate the victim.

"Furthermore, the victim was taken to the funeral home for an examination by the Ulujami Health Center doctor," said Ari Wibowo.

Police officers together with village officials and joint officers evacuated an AFR toddler who was reported missing since last Monday/ Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

From the results of a medical examination carried out by a doctor at the Ulujami Health Center, the officers did not find any signs of violence against the victim. So it was an accident.

Then the victim was handed over to the family for burial. The family buried the victim in the general cemetery of Rowosari Village, Ulujami District," he added.

AFR was reported missing on Monday afternoon, May 16. The joint SAR team from the Ulujami Police, Pemalang Police with the Koramil, the Ulujami District government, BPBD and volunteers have carried out search efforts by combing the irrigation river in front of the victim's house to the east to Rowosari Village.

"The search continued by combing the river last Tuesday (17 May), but has not yielded any results," said Ari Wibowo.