Family Eating At Warung Soto Solo Before Swab, Seller-Customer COVID-19

SOLO - Warung Soto Kepatihan Kulon has become a new cluster for the distribution of COVID-19 in Solo, following an outbreak of a seller by one of the customers at the restaurant.

"Currently there are four people who have tested positive for COVID-19 from this cluster," said the Head of the City Health Office (DKK) Solo City Siti Wahyuningsih in Solo, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 14.

According to Siti, it was revealed that the cluster started when a family living in Mojosongo Village planned to carry out an independent swab test. But this family stopped by to eat first at the soup shop.

"And it turned out that the family's test results were positive. From these results we then carried out 'tracing' (tracing) to soto stalls, including sellers and buyers who had eaten at the stall," he said.

He said from the search, it was found that the soup seller was also infected. Furthermore, the DKK conducted a search for buyers who ate at these stalls from October 1-8, 2020.

The Health Office asks people who have bought at the shop and have had contact with the seller and shop staff to report to the Purwodiningratan Puskesmas and Kepatihan Kulon Village.

In addition to the soto cluster, 17 people from one family are currently undergoing independent quarantine in a school building in Gandekan Village, Jebres. They are positive because they have come into contact with a COVID-19 patient.

Head of Gandekan Urban Village, Arik Rahmadani, said that the case began with a health worker from a private hospital in Solo who was infected with COVID-19.

"From the results of the tracing, the health worker infected his family, namely his children, grandchildren and aides. Currently, all of them have been treated in hospital. Furthermore, this close contact is now undergoing self-quarantine in one of the school buildings," he said.