Vesak Day, 13 WBP In Bangli Narcotics Prison Get Remission

BANGLI - The Buddhist Trisuci Vesak Day is celebrated with wisdom and meaning at the Class IIA Narcotics Penitentiary (Lapas) Bangli, Bali.

All Prisoners (WBP) who are Buddhists worship at the Prison Vihara and as many as 13 people get remission.

"On this Vesak Day, a total of 13 of the 18 Buddhist inmates receive special remissions which are their rights as inmates," said Head of Class llA Narcotics Prison, Bangli, Agus Pritiatno, Monday, May 16.

Meanwhile, of the 13 people who received Vesak remission, all of them were in the RK I category.

"This means that the person concerned still needs to serve his criminal period in prison," he added.

The amount of remission obtained by each WBP varies depending on the criminal period that has been served. Among them, 2 people received 15 days of remission, 4 people for 1 month, 5 people for 1 month 15 days, and 2 more people for 2 months.

"As for the remaining five WBPs who did not get remission because they had undergone a subsidiary (or) criminal substitute for a fine, it was entered in register F and entered into the proposed remission of administrative delays," he said.