200 G20 Delegates Will Visit Pelingpuran Village The Cleanest Village In Bali

BANGLI - Around 200 delegates of the G20 Summit will visit one of the cleanest villages in the world or Pelingpuran Village in Bangli Regency, Bali on May 28, 2022.

The delegations came to participate in the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) activities.

"There are 200 delegates and we have prepared everything," said Penglipuran Tourism Village Manager I Wayan Sumiarsa when contacted, Monday, May 16.

To welcome the delegation, his party was asked to prepare cultural attractions and village exploration. For infrastructure facilities, the management has repaired toilets which are now of international standard and all health protocol facilities (prokes) in Penglipuran.

"For the process, we have provided hand sanitizers in every house residents enter and every tourist attraction area has a hand washing place," he said.

Pelingpuran Village was chosen because so far it has a community-based appeal and accentuates culture and tradition. The delegation will explain the concept of protecting the village environment.

"We happen to be in Bali, one of the villages that still maintains tradition and culture, that's what they want to see. They want to learn and see firsthand why Pelingpuran can be called the cleanest village and what are the ways in which our residents do it here so that they can keep this village clean," said Sumiarsa.