The Governor Of North Sumatra Finally Got A Draft Omnibus Law: Don't Demonstrate First, We'll Be Unclear

MEDAN - North Sumatra Governor (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi has received the final draft of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. The Governor of North Sumatra will gather several related parties to review the Job Creation Law.

"We discussed this draft, I got it. Tomorrow we will gather all the elements of the nation's children in North Sumatra. We sit down, we share this," said Edy at his official residence in Medan, Wednesday, October 14.

"Then, we confirm what must be studied, studied the essence of the draft of the work creation law. We give it a few days, because this is quite a lot, there are 800 pages," continued Governor Edy.

The discussion of the Job Creation Law will later focus on examining the advantages and disadvantages of the Omnibus Law on the welfare of the people of North Sumatra. He made sure that the discussion was carried out proportionally.

"Each of these elements will discuss the pros and cons if this law is faced with the welfare of the people of North Sumatra. Not a political story, we will tell a story about socio-culture," he explained.

From that discussion, Edy will forward the results of the review to the central government as suggestions and input before being signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Therefore, residents of North Sumatra were asked to refrain from holding demonstrations until the discussion of the Job Creation Law was over.

"Don't demo first, we'll discuss first, then clear the demo. If the important thing is the demo will be unclear," said Edy.