After Asking For A Quota To Issue Permits, Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy Was Finally Detained At The KPK Detention Center

JAKARTA - Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy is finally in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Detention Center. The detention was carried out after he was named a suspect in receiving bribes related to the permit for the construction of the Alfamidi mini market retail branch in 2020 in Ambon City and gratuities.

In this case, Richard is suspected of asking for money with a minimum nominal value of Rp. 25 million for each permit document that is approved and issued. Meanwhile, regarding the construction permit for 20 retail outlets, Richard is suspected of receiving Rp500 million in cash.

KPK chairman Firli Bahuri said the money was given by Amri, an employee of Alfamidi. The gift was not made directly but through his subordinates, the administrative staff of the Ambon City Government (Pemkot), Andrew Erin Hehanusa.

"For each approved and issued permit document, RL requests that a minimum nominal amount of Rp25 million be handed over," Firli said at a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Friday, May 13.

"Specifically for the issuance related to the Development Principle Approval for 20 retail business outlets, AR is suspected of giving RL around Rp500 million of money which is given in stages through AEH's bank account," he added.

As a result of his actions, Richard and Andrew were named suspects for giving bribes. They were then detained in a different KPK detention center for 20 days until June 1.

Meanwhile, Amri has not yet been arrested. He was asked to cooperate to fulfill the investigator's summons which will be sent soon.

Forced to be picked up for being uncooperative

Before being arrested, Richard was forcibly picked up by KPK investigators. This action was taken because based on the surveillance carried out, Richard was in good health.

In fact, according to the Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the KPK Karyoto, Richard had time to walk in a mall in Jakarta.

"A few days before we did this pick-up, our team had also carried out surveillance, and coincidentally the person concerned was in Jakarta," said Karyoto.

Karyoto confirmed that Richard was undergoing treatment to treat his leg. However, he only needed to remove the stitches and inject antibiotics.

"Then (after treatment, ed) still had time to walk at the mall. This means that he is in good health," he said.

Not only from the results of surveillance, the KPK confirmed that Richard's condition was healthy after consulting a doctor. "We ordered the investigators, try asking the team of doctors to ask the extent of the pain," said Karyoto.

After all, when he arrived at the KPK, Richard was in good condition. In fact, Karyoto said, he still stood strong for 20 minutes during the press conference.

"He's still standing tonight, right, 20 minutes or so he's still healthy. If people are not healthy, maybe their vitals can be seen, maybe their blood pressure, appearance, etc. and are declared unfit for examination," said Karyoto.

"So, ultimately, we investigators think that the person concerned deserves to be investigated and detained," he concluded.