TNI Commander Believes Understanding ISIS Doesn't Grow In Central Sulawesi

JAKARTA - The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) General TNI Andika Perkasa is optimistic that the radical understanding of the ISIS terrorist group will not develop in Central Sulawesi.

General TNI Andika during a working visit in Palu, said that so far the level of conduciveness in the area in general is getting better.

"National ideology needs to be strengthened as the foundation of the state. To avoid radical ideas from entering the community, all parties have a role," Andika said as quoted by Antara, Friday, May 13.

He stated that currently his party was carrying out efforts to prevent the radical understanding of the ISIS group together with the National Police and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) in the country.

In carrying out prevention, he said, this effort requires the participation of community leaders, including the people of Indonesia.

In Central Sulawesi, religious tolerance is an important asset in preventing the entry of ideas that intentionally damage the social order that has long adhered to the nation's ideology.

"Early prevention starts from the environment where they live, whether through social, religious, and educational approaches," said Andika.

According to him, Central Sulawesi has social power that can prevent radicalism from growing in people's lives because such ideas are contrary to every religious teaching in Indonesia.

"People certainly want to live in peace. There are certain parties who deliberately damage the unity and integrity of the nation. Therefore, the state is present in providing protection to all Indonesian people with various efforts that have been made," said Andika.