PTPP Board Of Commissioners Conducts Working Visits To Three Project Sites In Jakarta

JAKARTA - Andi Gani Nena Wea as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner together with the Management of PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) made a working visit to three project sites in Jakarta on Wednesday 12 May.

The three project locations visited were the construction of the Bumi Slipi IT Mandiri Building located in West Jakarta, the construction of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office Main Building in South Jakarta, and the structuring and renovation of the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in East Jakarta.

During his working visit, Andi Gani Nena Wea was also accompanied by other members of the PTPP Board of Commissioners, namely: Istiono as Independent Commissioner, Ernadhi Sudarmanto as Commissioner, Loso Judijanto as Commissioner, and Ayodhia GL Kalake as Commissioner.

In addition, the PTPP Management Board who were also present during the project visit included: Novel Arsyad as President Director, Agus Purbianto as Director of Finance and Risk Management, Andek Prabowo as SVP of Building Operations, and Joko Raharjo as GM of PTPP Building Operations.

The first working visit was carried out by the Board of Commissioners to the IT Mandiri Bumi Slipi Building construction project located in West Jakarta. The IT Mandiri Building construction project is targeted to be completed in December 2023 with a maintenance period of 12 months.

The project which is owned by PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk has a contract value of Rp. 820 billion including VAT. As of early May 2022, the progress of the Mandiri IT Bumi Slipi Building project has reached 3.43 percent. The IT Mandiri building is targeted to meet green building standards certified by the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) institution with a Gold rating.

The scope of the project development work includes: design development & licensing work, structural work, landscape work, architectural & interior work, Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) & splicing work, and others.

The IT Mandiri Bumi Slipi Building was built on an area of 11,303 m2. The building, which is planned to be built as high as 32 floors, has a total building area of 70,028 m2. This development project was carried out on a KSO basis by PTPP and Arkonin using the Design & Build method.

After visiting the IT Mandiri Bumi Slipi Building project in West Jakarta, the Board of Commissioners and PTPP Management carried out a working visit to the second project site, which is located in South Jakarta. The construction project for the Main Office of the Attorney General's Office is owned by the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia with a contract value of IDR 549 billion.

The project which has a building area of 43,669 m2 is targeted to be completed by the end of 2022. The scope of work for the project includes licensing work, structural work, architectural work, MEP work and so on.

As of the end of April 2022, the progress of the construction of the Attorney General's Main Building has reached 57.98 percent faster than the target. The Attorney General's Office Main Building has three towers and is equipped with bullet-proof glass.

The last project visited by PTPP's Board of Commissioners and Management was located in East Jakarta. The arrangement and renovation project at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) includes the main gate area arrangement work, renovation of the multipurpose buildings of Sasono Utomo, Langen Budoyo, and Sasono Adiguno.

The area structuring and renovation project at TMII is targeted to be completed by the end of 2022 with a maintenance period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) calendar days. The project, which is owned by the Ministry of PUPR, was carried out by KSO PTPP and Arkonin with a total building area of 59,907 m2. As of early May 2022, the progress of the arrangement and renovation has reached 14.80 percent.

"We see that the three projects we visited have progress that is going well, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. We hope that the three projects can be completed in accordance with the targeted time of course with the best quality," said Andi Gani Nena Wea.

Andi Gani also hopes that the three projects can continue to increase innovation in every process of project development activities.

"Do not forget that the project team continues to improve K3 performance in every activity. The construction of the Bumi Slipi IT Mandiri Building project has a very high standard so that it can be used as an example to be applied in other projects," he added.