Returning From The US, Sandiaga Uno Gaspol Discusses Job Opportunities

JAKARTA - Some time ago, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno made a working visit to the United States. After returning from there, Sandiaga Uno immediately held a meeting.

The meeting aims to evaluate his working visit. The working visit aims to expand the scope of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy's flagship program, both in creating job opportunities and opening new job opportunities.

"Today's meeting also evaluates our working visits while in the United States and Singapore, in order to expand the scope of excellent programs that can create job opportunities and new jobs, such as Tourism Villages and Spice up the world that support environmental sustainability," said Sandiaga in his written statement, Wednesday, May 11.

In the meeting, Sandiaga, who was accompanied by Angela Herliani Tanoesoedibjo, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy. Angela is also the Deputy Chairperson of the Perindo Party for the Digital & Creative Economy.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also immediately stepped on the gas following up on several reports from the regions, especially those related to Cleanliness, Health, Security and Environmental Sustainability or CHSE in tourist destinations.

This is none other than so that all tourism managers and tourists comply with the rules so that the tourism sector in Indonesia runs as it should.

"We also continue to move quickly and decisively to follow up on several reports from the regions, especially regarding aspects of CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Security and Environmental Sustainability) in tourist destinations so that all parties, both tourism managers and tourists, can follow up. and smooth," explained the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.