Starting From Dead Engine Driven Crowded By Passengers, Modified Box Truck Lost Control And Slipped Into The Field

BOYOLALI - The modified Isuzu box truck with license plate number H 1439 SMG had a single accident, it rolled and fell in the fields of Andong-Nogosari Street, precisely Dukuh Tegalrejo, Sempu Village, Andong District, Boyolali Regency, today. Two people were reported to have died.
The two victims who died in the single crash of the modified vehicle into passenger transportation were Ida Kumala Sari (32) and Tama (4) who were residents of Cepoko Hamlet, Sangge Village, Klego District, Boyolali who were now taken to the Waras Wiris Andong Regional General Hospital, Boyolali.
Head of the Boyolali Police Traffic Unit, AKB Abdul Mufid, when confirmed said the single crash also left three other passengers with minor injuries. The incident took place around 10.20 WIB. The modified vehicle carries 22 passengers.
Two victims died and three had minor injuries, all of which were taken to Waras Wiris Andong Hospital, Boyolali. The chronology of the incident began with the vehicle driven by Purwadi (62), a resident of Sangge Klego Boyolali carrying 22 passengers walking from north to south.
The vehicle upon arrival at the crime scene (TKP) suffered engine damage and was pushed by some passengers and after starting the engine, drove out of control. It is suspected that the driver was unable to control the vehicle. As a result, the vehicle swerved to the right and rolled over until it fell into a field on the right side of the road.
Police are still investigating the single crash of the modified vehicle to determine the cause of the incident. The driver of the vehicle could not be questioned because he was still undergoing treatment at the hospital.