Agus Yudhoyono Denies Accusation By The Democrat Party To Demonstrate The Rejection Of The Job Creation Law

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, has denied the accusation that he and the Democratic Party were behind the demonstration against the Job Creation Law. He is worried that the public is drowning in information wars and hoaxes over the polemic of this Law.

"I am worried that we are drowning in the information war & hoax wars. Including there are" fake accounts "that attack myself and the Democratic Party just because we have different opinions. Hoax spreads that I masterminded the Ciptaker Act demonstration," he said uploaded on his Twitter account. , @AgusYudhoyono, Tuesday, October 13th.

"Alhamdulillah, our people are smart. The accusation was denied by various elements of society who rejected the Ciptaker Law. I emphasize that this baseless accusation deeply hurts the conscience of the people, who really want to fight for a better life," he added.

The eldest son of the sixth President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said Indonesia is a democracy. So, it is necessary to respect the differences in views and opinions like this. He said that the rejection of the Democrat Party against the Job Creation Law was carried out to protect the country from taking wrong steps, as did the Democrat Party's rejection of the HIP Bill.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party also supports the government's steps, namely in the passage of Law Number 2 of 2020 concerning the handling of the pandemic and economic rescue. He said, this was an example of the Democrat Party's attitude which was not different from the government. Because, there are times when the Democratic Party refuses, there are times when they support it. | Our spirit is based on the interests of the people, nation & state, "he said.

Agus added, the Democrat Party encourages the government to manage information and communication well. "Not only what the government wants to convey, but also, it must be oriented to what information the public wants to hear & needs. So that communication takes place in two directions," he said.

Furthermore, Agus appealed to the public to convey their aspirations in an orderly manner. "Don't be provoked and don't act anarchist. Also comply with the current health protocol. Prioritize personal safety from the dangers of the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

"We also encourage the government to listen to the aspirations of the community through dialogue efforts and opening better channels of communication. Not only those who support the Ciptaker Law, but also those who reject the Ciptaker Law. I am sure that our passion is the same, we want equitable economic growth. , "said Agus.