DIY Police Examines 4 Witnesses In The Stabbing Case Of 2 People In Seturan Sleman

YOGYAKARTA - The Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Yogyakarta Special Region Police (DIY) examined four witnesses related to the stabbing case of two people in the Seturan area, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman Regency.

"So far we have examined four witnesses, then we have some CCTVs that we are investigating," said Director of the Ditreskrimum Polda DIY Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indriadi at the Yogyakarta Regional Police Headquarters as reported by Antara, Monday, May 9.

According to Ade, the two victims with the initials TIP (29) and DS (22) had a post-mortem at the Bhayangkara Police Hospital DIY. The victim suffered stab wounds to the chest and back.

"The results of the external and internal post-mortem have not been released, it is suspected (the victim died) due to sharp objects," he added.

He explained that based on witness statements, the case was triggered by a dispute between the perpetrators and the victim, who both refused to budge when they crossed paths from opposite directions at a crossroads.

"Because they disagreed, they didn't want to give in to each other. (They) came from two different directions," he said.

After the group of perpetrators and victims became involved in a conflict, there was a chase after each other that led to persecution. The question of whether the perpetrator and the victim knew each other or not, he said, was still being investigated.

Ade said that the DIY Regional Police had found a bright spot to uncover the case and pursue the perpetrators.

If there are people who see the incident of persecution in the Seturan area, he hopes to be able to inform through 110 toll-free channels owned by the Police or several social media accounts belonging to the Ditreskrimum Polda DIY.

"We hope that people are not afraid to give us information," he said.

The stabbing incident of two men occurred on Sunday (8/5) in the morning at 01.00 WIB at the intersection of Jalan Selokan Mataram, Seturan, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman.

TIP victim (29), a resident of Bangka Belitung, died on the way to the hospital due to a stab wound; while victim DS (22), a resident of Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra, died at the Jogja International Hospital (JIH) at 04.50 WIB.