Prabowo Is Called A Fighter Who Is Always Tackled By Oligarchs

JAKARTA - It is said that the General Chair of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, will face a big challenge from the oligarchs when he advances in the 2024 presidential election (Pilpres).

This was conveyed by a political observer and Lecturer of Social and Political Sciences, Jayabaya University, Jakarta, Igor Dirgantara. He explained that the all-out suppression of Prabowo's figure was because he did not want to be controlled by the oligarchs.

"Prabowo is the most disliked by the oligarchs. In fact, Prabowo is always tackled by the oligarchs," said Igor in an official statement, Sunday, May 8.

In fact, said Igor, to thwart Prabowo, they created a new figure in the presidential election. This is a strategy that is used to confront Prabowo in the upcoming presidential election.

"The emergence of candidates who are currently being promoted and do not have a strong base, are actually soft food for the oligarchs. They will certainly be relatively obedient like buffalo being poked by their noses, because they have relatively no capacity and strong bargaining," he explained.

"The oligarchs can buy and manage these new candidates (puppets)," he continued.

Igor suggested that even though he had lost in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections, Prabowo Subianto would not be a loser if he ran again in the 2024 election.

"He actually has the mentality of a true fighter who is still confident in his capabilities," he said.

Prabowo's chances in the 2024 presidential election contestation, according to Igor, are very possible with the performance results he showed when he was the Minister of Defense together with President Jokowi, who had been a rival in the presidential election several times.

"The fact that the only one who can beat Prabowo is Jokowi. Not another candidate. The public is already fed up with imagery. Currently, performance can be used as a benchmark for assessing whether a figure is worthy to run in the election event, not for other reasons, " he explained. Prabowo's move, which some time ago conducted an Eid Safari to several figures, according to Igor, was to become a remedy for Prabowo's supporters who had felt disappointed.

The reason is, reality shows that in the election contestation, all candidates who come forward will still be supported by the Muslim community.

Even Jokowi advanced in the 2019 presidential election with a strategy of collaborating with NU figure, Ma'ruf Amin. Experience from the presidential election shows that the Muslim voting community is never concentrated on one pair of candidates, but on all pairs of candidates.

Even Jokowi's supporters, who are still quite large, also have the opportunity to migrate to the Indonesian Minister of Defense if they run again in the 2024 presidential election.

"Disappointment is normal, but there must be a cure. Prabowo's Eid safari to East Java and Central Java is one of the beginnings of the cure. It's like seeing a glass half empty. Negative thinking will see half empty. But positive people will be grateful because it is half full of water. ," he concluded.