Anies Affirms The JIS Becomes Persija's Home Base: Hopefully The Jakmania Will Also Participate In Caring For And Maintaining The Stadium

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan confirmed that the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) is the home base for the Persija football club. This is a promise that Anies has made since JIS was built.

Anies made this statement while attending an exhibition match that brought together Persija legends titled the Jakarta Silaturahmi Trofeo at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), on Saturday, May 7 evening.

"Today is an important day, because today the promise was paid off. The promise to build an international standard stadium that will be used as a home base for Persija and also a home base for The Jak, where we all feel for years of waiting in patience," said Anies in a written statement, quoted on Sunday, May 8.

"Thank God, today starts even in a pandemic atmosphere, so the capacity that can be used is still limited," Anies continued.

This exhibition match was the first to be held at JIS and was attended by Persija players, Persija legends and The Jakmania fans.

The presence of the Persija players and their supporters is something to look forward to, because of the desire to come directly and see the Kemayoran Tiger team compete at JIS.

"Today we celebrate Persija's inaugural match on the Jakarta International Stadium field and the first time The Jakmania is here to watch, sitting on a chair where this is all built to be used as much as possible for Jakartans and Indonesians," said Anies.

Furthermore, Anies hopes that The Jakmania will also participate in caring for and maintaining JIS, especially the use of JIS is for various events and can be used by all Jakarta residents.

"Hopefully, the stadium will be well cared for later, it can also be used optimally. And I want to underline, from the beginning JIS was designed for multi-events, whether sporting, artistic, cultural, religious, social events, it can use this facility," he added.