Getting Ready For Jabodetabek Roads To Return To Normal, More Than Half A Million Cars Have Returned From The Village

JAKARTA - A total of 563,593 vehicles have been recorded to have returned to the Jabotabek area on Eid 2 to D+2 Idul Fitri 1443 Hijriah or May 3-5 2022.

Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Dwimawan Heru said that this figure is the cumulative number of traffic flows from the four Barrier/Main Toll Gate (GT) namely Cikupa GT (direction Merak), GT Ciawi (direction Puncak), and GT Cikampek Utama. and GT Kalihurip Utama (direction Trans Java and Bandung).

"The total volume of traffic returning to the Jabotabek area is up 41.1 percent compared to the normal November 2021 period with a total of 399,333 vehicles," said Heru in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday, May 6.

For the distribution of traffic entering Jabotabek from three directions, namely the majority of 308,641 vehicles (54.76 percent) from the East (Trans Java and Bandung), 129,577 vehicles (22.99 percent) from the West (Merak), and 125,375 vehicles (22, 25 percent) from the South (Peak).

From the east, the number of vehicles returning to Jabotabek from the Trans Java direction via GT Cikampek Utama on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road is 173,114, an increase of 90.4 percent from normal. Meanwhile, those who returned to Jabotabek from Bandung via GT Kalihurip Utama Cipularang Toll Road were 135,527 vehicles, up 64 percent from normal.

The total number of vehicles returning to Jabotabek from the direction of Trans Java and Bandung via the two GTs is 308,641 vehicles, or up 77.8 percent from normal.

From the west, vehicles returning to Jabotabek from Merak via GT Cikupa Tangerang-Merak Toll Road are 129,577 vehicles, down 4.82 percent from normal.

Meanwhile, from the south, the number of vehicles heading to Jabotabek from Puncak via Ciawi GT Jagorawi Toll Road was 125,375 vehicles, up 39.9 percent from normal.