The DPRD And Banjarmasin City Government Discuss The Draft Regional Regulation On Halal Tourism

BANJARMASIN - The Banjarmasin City DPRD with the city government are discussing the Draft Regional Regulation (raperda) on halal tourism.

"Do not interpret this regulation as making Banjarmasin an area that applies Islamic law tourism," said the Head of the Raperda Special Committee (Pansus) Hilyah Aulia in Banjarmasin quoted by Antara , Sunday, October 11.

According to this member of the DPRD Kota Banjarmasin from the PKB Faction, the purpose of making this rule is to facilitate access to worship and halal and hygienic culinary for Muslims while traveling in Banjarmasin.

According to him, the Special Committee has studied the direction of the discussion of the Raperda on halal tourism with a comparative study to the City of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"Banjarmasin will be the second city after Lombok, NTB, if it succeeds in making regulations on halal tourism," said Hilyah.

Currently, the discussion of the Raperda has entered material and articles by article.

"We are optimistic that there are only two more meetings that the Raperda has entered into the finalization stage," he said.

According to him, if the discussion is maximal, then the target at the end of this year the draft regional regulation will be passed into an optimistic Perda.

Previously, the Mayor of Banjarmasin, H Ibnu Sina, stated that his city really needs to emphasize itself as a halal tourism area because the population is predominantly Muslim, especially to attract tourists from the Middle East region.

Because tourists from the Middle East, said Ibn Sina, require the strictness of halal food and other places.

There is no problem with this halal tourism in the international world, because it is recognized as very attractive for tourists from Muslim countries.

"Even when the area is designated as halal tourism, non-Muslim tourists can enjoy it because it is hygienic," he said.