The Perpetrators Of Breast Rigging In Madiun Successfully Arrested, Threatened With 15 Years In Prison

MADIUN - Police officers from Madiun, East Java, arrested the perpetrators of sexual abuse who carried out the act of squeezing the breasts of a minor.

"The perpetrator is a 25-year-old youth named Wisnu Dwi Awandha, a resident of Banjarejo Village, Taman District, Madiun City," said Madiun Police Chief AKBP Anton Prasetyo when holding a press release in Madiun, reported by Antara, Friday, April 29.

The arrest of the suspect was carried out after the police received reports from a number of victims of the disturbing behavior of the perpetrator.

"So far there have been six victims who have reported and most of them are minors. The modus operandi is that the suspect follows the victim and when it's quiet the perpetrator approaches the victim and pretends to ask something. After that, he holds the victim's breast and runs away," said Anton .

The victim's actions were carried out on the Dungus-Kare Highway in Wungu District and Kare District, Madiun Regency, which is a quiet area.

"The suspect deliberately sought a quiet area to carry out his actions," said the Police Chief.

The suspect has carried out this disturbing action from September 2021 to April 2022. The police managed to arrest the suspect based on the victims' statements about the characteristics of the perpetrator and the motorbike the perpetrator was driving.

For his actions, the perpetrators are subject to Article 82 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, which carries a minimum imprisonment of five years and a maximum of 15 years.