518 NII Members Repeal Baiat And Pledge Loyalty To The Republic Of Indonesia

JAKARTA - A total of 518 members of the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) held an oath of allegiance and pledged allegiance to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia at the Maharajo Dirajo building, Batusangkar, Tanah Datar, Friday, April 29.

The 518 people who are members of the Indonesian Islamic State (NII) group who revoke their allegiance to return to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) ii come from several regencies and cities such as Padang City, Agam Regency, Tanah Datar, Solok, South Solok, Payakumbuh, Sijunjung and District 50 Cities

The West Sumatra Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Teddy Minahasa, believes that those who have recently revoked their previous pledge to join the group were only persuaded and seduced. And it hopes to return to the right path.

"From the bottom of my heart, I express my appreciation and feeling touched for the awareness of the brothers and sisters to return to their loyal pledge to return to the Republic of Indonesia," said Teddy, quoting Antara, Friday, April 29.

The West Sumatra Police Chief emphasized that he would give a deadline of May 20, 2022, which coincides with the National Awakening Day for NII members who have not revoked their allegiance.

"If I do not revoke the ba'iat, I will enforce the law as harshly as possible," he said.

The Kapolda also said that in the history of the founding of the Republic of Indonesia, intellectual actors came from Minangkabau starting from the proclaimer Bung Hatta, with the formulators M. Yamin, Sutan Syahrir, Tan Malaka, Imam Bonjol, M Natsir, and Rasuna Said.

"Do you know that these figures are the founders of the nation. So I hope you don't tarnish the legacy of Minang figures who have fought to incite blood and tears for the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.

He asked not to slander the plans prepared by radical groups, whether it be treason or other separatist actions, because the Police and the TNI will be the frontline and the last bastion in order to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.